Our Apparatus
The Importance of Up-to-Date Vehicles
The reason it is important to have and maintain up-to-date vehicles is safety more than anything else. Fire apparatus has an average life span of 15 years. The updated fire apparatus has the newest safety features that can keep firefighters safe.
Some of these features are as follows
- An electronic pump panel that allows firefighters to safely operate different hose lines from a single truck by automatically adjusting the flow between the different lines. This is usually done by a preset flow and depends on the intake from the water source. This used to be done manually with the older apparatus and required a dedicated qualified pump operator who had to manually adjust each discharge and intake numerous times during an incident.
- Intergraded safety features such as door and compartment sensors, 360-degree camera features, low water alarms, and much more.
- New apparatus is less likely to need constant maintenance. Once the apparatus gets to the 15-year life mark they should be updated. Apparatus older than 15 years are more likely to need constant repair and maintenance.
The yearly maintenance on a new truck could range around $1,000 a year whereas older apparatus can range from $10k - $25k a year for each truck.
Driver Operations & Safety Requirements
Our drivers/operators are required to be qualified on each piece of apparatus. To be a driver/operator you must hold the following qualifications, A valid driver’s license, must have attended and completed an EVOC (Emergency Vehicle Operators Course) class, must have a minimum of pump operation 1 class, and have a valid Haz/Mat awareness class. Our drivers/operators must have at least 10 hours of in-house driving and pump training as well.
Engine 45
Name: ENG45
Division: Fire
Engine 45-2
Name: ENG45-2
Division: Fire
Tac 45
Name: TA45
Division: Fire